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Given time to implement new laws and finding faculty to teach many subjects along with sponsoring a yearbook, helped the Class of 1913 to become the first class to produce/publish a Mangum High School yearbook. The book is a simple paper bound book with gold lettering on the front titled: M.H.S.’13. It is tied together with a strong string cord. There is a classic photo of the first high school which opened in 1905. When you first glance at it, you think you’re looking at the Old Edison Elementary which opened in 1909. These two schools mirror each other in ways except the Old high school’s auditorium was on the TOP floor and Edison’s auditorium was in the basement. Research says the old high school became unstable, therefore, the structure had to be rebuilt. A few classmates living today can tell me stories about the Old high school…………..namely, Anna Fritsche Hunter, Russell Pierson, Jack Givens, Joe Head, Jim C. Hall, Jean Hall Robberson, Rob Overton, and RAY Coffman. They each remember something different about the old building. Mrs. Hunter remembers “pulling the chains to flush the commodes which were in the basement”. When viewing the Manual Training and Domestic Science pictures in the yearbook, it appears they also were located in the basement of the old school. Very bleak and nothing fancy about the school’s basement even though the school was described as “majestic and stately” when it was opened. The back of the book lists 48 business of the day: Crossland Bros. Grocery at 217 S. Oklahoma; Yale Theater, Charles Shaw, Proprietor; Green Barber Shop located behind the 1st National Bank; Dentists: Holmes and Vaughan in the Funderburk Building; F. S. Gentry Hardware, South Side of Square; Percy Powers, Lawyer; J. E. Eagan Cash Grocery, North Oklahoma Ave.; L. A. McCollister Surety Bonds; G. W. Winburne & Co., Plumbers; Mangum Star, 113 East Jefferson; Southwest Home Furniture Co., SW Corner Square; Hamilton’s Hardware; J. W. Lovett Furniture Store, West Side Square; Sampson & Short, Farm Machinery; W. S. Bradshaw, Blacksmith, Horseshoer, ½ Block West of Square; Star Restaurant, Pete Salinos, Proprietor, North Oklahoma Ave.; The Racket Grocery, J. W. Short, Manager, North Side Square; R. C. Hannah, Drugstore; Covington & Brown, Insurance and Surety Bonds; J. W. Barter, 110 N. Oklahoma Ave; Sun Monitor….Mrs. Yoder, Photographer; J. E. Elliott’s Variety Store; Harris Hotel, James Melton, Proprietor; Oklahoma Home Lumber Company, J. Leadbetter, Manager; O.K. Barber Shop, W. R. Burroughs, Proprietor; Cameron & Co., Inc. Lumberyard; Young Bros. & Guthrie; The Dixie Store, West Side of Square; Mangum Electric Co., P. O., Store, R. F. Davis, Proprietor; C. M. Stone & Co Dry Goods; Imperial Pressing Parlor, North Side of Square; B. E. Davis Groceries; Pantatorium, Joe Bayless, Mgr.; Zack T. Pryse, Insurance; A. Gardiner Florist; Cunningham & Dickey, Insurance; Dentists: Dr. P. F. Anderson and Dr. C. H. Hall; Mangum National Bank, P. A. Janeway, Pres.; J. O. McCollister Farm Loans; W. A. Banks City Bakery & Ice Cream; Peerless Printery, C. A. Sessions, Prop.; Gully’s Drug Store; Greasby Confectionery, 225 N. Oklahoma Ave.; Barker the Photographer Bass Studio; Curreathers & Williams Clothing; Head & Putnam Little Tailors, 210 W. Jefferson; Townsend, Overton & Cravey Bonded Abstracters; Jackson & Wilson Dry Goods, Hardware and Implement; Franklin Hudson Publishing Co., Kansas Cityu, MO; and the Bureau of Engraving out of Minneapolis, Minnesota, also bought advertising in the book. CLASS OF 1913, according to the MHS 1913 Yearbook, class officers were: Alva Earl Jacobs, President, and Winnie Rebecca Butler served as Secretary-Treasurer. The Class Parents were Mr. W. D. Gully and Mrs. E. R. Tinsley. Henry David Miller was Valedictorian. The twenty four grads were: